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You can reach the village of Panzano in Chianti along the dirt track that passes in front of our B&B. This trail runs between vineyards and olive groves, forests of chestnut, oak, holm oak, spare wild fruit trees such as cherry and fig trees as well as many other wild plants.

Roe deer and numerous species of birds can be easily observed along the walk. Among the latter: blackcaps, tits, chaffinches, myths, wren warblers, goldfinches, nuthatches and blackbirds. It is also possible to see the hawfinch and the great spotted woodpecker, and watch the flight of the buzzard on the horizon. Jay singing will accompany you on your way.

Once in Panzano it is possible to return back to the departure point descending the via Chiantigiana for about 1.6 km, and taking then the detour on the right (to Gogoli and Selvalta) that will bring you back to the B&B. This route is circular and has a length of 6.5 km.


The length of the route can be extended by connecting up with other routes to Radda and Volpaia or Lamole and Parco Naturale del Monte San Michele.




If you like to plunge into the forest you have the chance to get to the Greve river through a slightly rough path. About 300 meters from the entrance of the B&B towards Chiesa della Madonna Neve you'll find a fork. Taking the track on the left, about 50m after, a small not marked path opens on the right side. Along this route, frequented by foxes, wild boars and several species of mustelids, it is quite common to meet some roe deers while, only on rare occasions, the coypu once you get to the river.

Here starts the marked trail V0.1 that takes you to the Piano di Montagliari running parallel to its shore. Once there you can return to the B&B through a path leading to the Chiesa Parrocchiale or continue to Greve in Chianti along the trail running parallel to the river in practically its entire length. Signs for alternative routes are present along this part of the promenade.

If you enjoy walking, there are several options nearby: form Greve in Chianti to Pieve di San Cresci through Montefioralle,  l'Anello di Montescalari, l'Anello di Vertine, Poggio alla Croce Anello di Celle, etc.


 Selvabella in Chianti B&B. Via di Montagliari 16, 50022 Greve in Chianti, Firenze.                                               Tel: +39 055 852096  Cell: +39 3313128503


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